The Trumpet Medical Advisor

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patPatricia Naeder, RN, BS.


March, 2011 Edition ew3

~ ~ March Health Tips ~ ~


1-  It’s still cold and flu season. Viruses cause most colds. They get into your body through your mouth, eyes or nose.

So don’t touch your face. Don’t share drinks. Wash your hands all day with soap and water. Save the sanitizer for when you’re not near a faucet.

2-  The clichés are true. Keep your immune system strong with plenty of sleep, fluids, veggies, fruit, fish, nuts, seeds and lean meat. Meat has the anti-oxidant Carnosine in it.

3-  Replace smoking or skol with the lozenges called Commit.

4- Eat a balanced diet and walk 30 minutes a day to allow your blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to your organs. Moderate walking also keeps your stamina up. If you are ill move your arms or any part of your body. Move your circulation to your brain and organs.

5-  Get your Flu shot if you are at risk.



Foot odor comes from organisms multiplying in a dark moist shoe or sneaker. Use power in your shoes daily, to prevent organisms from quickly multiplying in your shoes. Medicated powder is even better.


6-  Before bedtime, brush your teeth, or at least rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash and peroxide. Organisms live off of the food stuck between your teeth and multiply in your mouth overnight. This is how gum disease (gingivitis) and cavities start. Also you can actually breathe these organisms in at the back of your throat and get a cold!

7-  Skin care: Wash your face with a terry cloth washcloth and soap and water or a good cleansing liquid. It will remove the dead skin and allow the new skin cells to regenerate. It will also help to forestall wrinkles because of the exfoliation and regeneration of the epidermis.



8-  Say no to unnecessary radiation whenever feasible. It is cumulative throughout life. That includes diagnostic scans, airport scans (when there’s an option,)  and even dental x-rays. Don’t let radiation  become routine. Say no unless it is needed. It’s your body. Protect it.


9-  As I’ve mentioned before, radiation is measured in millisieverts (mSv). The global average annual dose of voluntary diagnostic radiation is .3 mSv. From 50 to 150 millisevierts is usually lethal as in the atomic bomb.


A chest x-ray gives you approx.1 mSv of radiation dose. Sometimes you need it, but you should consider the risk benefit ratio before consenting. Consult with your physician.


For certain conditions, such as a pain in your kidney, you can ask your physician if you can have an ultra sound instead, which is sound waves and has no radiation.


10-             On the other hand, if the condition is more complicated, it is better to have an X-ray than exploratory surgery. It’s a risk benefit issue.

11-               If a barium swallow or barium enema is suggested, ask what the radiation exposure is and discuss your radiation history and the alternate methods of making the diagnosis. A good Physician will be glad to have that talk.


12-              Refer to The American  College of Radiology. They list the approximate doses per radiation per body part.

13-               Weigh the benefits and risks. Better to have scan than exploratory surgery.




1      I recently came across this interesting report  by Dr. Norman Lepor, a cardiologist who is reducing radiation usage in his cardiology imaging practice in California using software or “green imaging.“


I thought you might enjoy the information. If you cannot open the link. It can be found at


15-              Dr. Lepor states that device makers are going to have to print the dose of radiation on their products so that the consumers are informed. Never have a procedure without questioning the details. It is their duty to inform you and it is your right to know. There is a patient’s Bill of Rights.



Remember, it’s your body. Take good care of it. Live healthy, and if you’re not in good health be the best that you can be. Many conditions are either treatable, reversible, regenerative or research is in the process of giving you your cure. Never give up hope! Medical progress in Research and Development is constantly moving!


Good Health to You!


Patricia Naeder, RN, BS

Medical Advisor


This column is for informational purposes only, and represents the opinion, and reporting of the author only. Any discussions with the Author should be presented to your own personal Physician for his/her Professional opinion. It is not meant to substitute for seeing one's own Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, or Psychologist for Professional care.

This article is copywrited by the Author.